Surface Hygiene Monitoring

Ensure employee health and well-being with Hygieneo surface hygiene monitoring system, which allows you to track hygiene standards at every part of the workplace

Surface Hygiene Monitoring System - Caleedo - Digitizing Possibilities

Building Healthier Workplaces

Repurpose your workplaces to foster a sustainable and healthier indoor environment for your employees and building occupants.

Surface Hygiene - Caleedo - Digitizing Possibilities

Work-Order Based Intermittent Surface Hygiene Monitoring

Features & Functionalities

Work-Order Based

Surface Hygiene Monitor is designed on a work-order based hygiene monitoring regime


QR code based geo-tagging of locations for taking measurements

Real-Time Data

Access real-time data on surface hygiene with the Surface Hygiene Monitor

Live Casting

Broadcasting of Surface Hygiene Monitor dashboards in public areas for occupants

Live Casting Image | Caleedo - Digitizing Possibilities

Live Casting of Surface Hygiene Parameters

Hygieneo offers live streaming of surface hygiene standards in high touch point areas like cafeterias, lift lobbies, receptions, etc., reinforcing the confidence of building occupants about the indoor environment hygiene condition.

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